10 month old lack of density (photo) – WRassman,M.D. BaldingBlog

I’ve been concerned recently as my 10-month-old seems to have not grown any hair in the last six months. He seemed to be growing well the first few months, but in the last six months, he’s only thinned out and gotten zero new hairs. I assume he’s too young for any topicals like Minox, but I was thinking a .25 micro needle would be enough to stimulate some growth. He’s also really young, and I’m guessing he might even respond better than adults.  

Children often have see-through hair that looks like adult balding patterns, but that is not balding. The thickness of a baby’s hair is often fine in thickness, but as he/she grows, the thickness increases.  Please don’t treat your son as he will have normal hair as he gets older.

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